Keynote Speakers

Beijing Normal University
Wei He is a professor in the Digital Media Department, School of Arts and Media of Beijing Normal University, and the deputy director of the Digital Creative Media Research Center of Beijing Normal University. He is one of the council members of the Game Publishing Working Committee of China Audio and Digital Publishing Association. His research interests include social media and networked public, game studies, creative industries and popular culture. More information about him:

Associate Professor
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Marco Pellitteri (PhD, Fhea) is associate professor of media and communication in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. A sociologist by training, his research spans across visual media narratives (including comics, animation, video games, advertising, graphic design) and the sociocultural processes of production, distribution, and global receptions of creative industries and popular culture output in their transnational dynamics and settings. Among other works, he published, in the field of game studies, Conoscere i videogiochi. Introduzione alla storia e alle teorie del videoludico (‘Understanding video games: An introduction to the history and theories’, with Mauro Salvador, Tunué 2014, in Italian).